Street signs with the new logo are now randomly popping up in Melbourne's streets, in a manner that quite confusing. On a random inspection of North Melbourne's Streets I found 3 different street signs within one block. With one intersection, the corner Howard St and Victoria St, there were street signs with two different logos on light pole.

But the surprising thing is they can't even get street signs with the new logo consistant.

Notice the subtle differences? The Victoria st sign has a smaller M logo, is in capitals and lacks street numbers! Taking off street numbers is a huge step backwards. Rate payers are paying for an update that provides less information. Absolutely appalling.
No wonder Doyle wants to charge a $4 night parking fee. He needs to find money to fund these wreckless and wasteful spending sprees. Not quite what you'd expect from a supposed economic conservative ex lib. Bring back John So I say!
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